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"The Great"Alexander the Great (Macedonia, Greece)
"Father of Europe"Charlemagne (Frankish Empire, modern-day France/Germany)
"The Sun King"Louis XIV (France)
Richard the LionheartRichard I (England)
"Ivan the Terrible"Ivan IV (Russia)
Frederick the GreatFrederick II (Prussia, Germany)
Nickname/Title: "The Great"Alfred the Great (England)
"Peter the Great"Peter I (Russia)
"The Bold"Charles the Bold (Burgundy, France)
William I (England)
Nickname/Title: "William the Conqueror"
Led the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
Middle East & Asia:
Cyrus the Great (Persian Empire, modern-day Iran)
Nickname/Title: "The Great"
Founded the Persian Empire and is famous for his policies of tolerance and governance.
Genghis Khan (Mongol Empire)
Nickname/Title: "Universal Ruler"
Created the largest contiguous empire in history through conquest.
Akbar the Great (Mughal Empire, India)
Nickname/Title: "The Great"
Known for his inclusive policies and expansion of the Mughal Empire.
Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire, Turkey)
Nickname/Title: "The Magnificent"
Presided over the apex of Ottoman power, culture, and territorial expansion.
Shah Jahan (Mughal Empire, India)
Nickname/Title: "The Builder of the Taj Mahal"
Known for commissioning the construction of the Taj Mahal, one of the most famous buildings in the world.
Saladin (Egypt, Syria)
Nickname/Title: "The Lion of Islam"
Defeated the Crusaders and reclaimed Jerusalem.
Nebuchadnezzar II (Babylon, modern-day Iraq)
Nickname/Title: "The Great Builder"
Known for building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and strengthening Babylon’s walls.
Ashoka (Maurya Empire, India)
Nickname/Title: "Ashoka the Great"
Renounced violence and spread Buddhism after a brutal military campaign.
Mansa Musa (Mali Empire, West Africa)
Nickname/Title: "The Wealthiest King"
Known as one of the wealthiest individuals in history, expanded Mali’s wealth through trade.
Shaka Zulu (Zulu Kingdom, South Africa)
Nickname/Title: "The Great Warrior King"
Revolutionized warfare in the region and united various Zulu clans.
Haile Selassie I (Ethiopia)
Nickname/Title: "The Lion of Judah"
Last Emperor of Ethiopia, revered by Rastafarians and seen as a symbol of African independence.
King Menelik II (Ethiopia)
Nickname/Title: "The Defender of Ethiopia"
Successfully defended Ethiopia against Italian colonization at the Battle of Adwa.
Ramesses II (Egypt)
Nickname/Title: "Ramesses the Great"
Known for his military achievements, monumental building projects, and long reign.
South America & North America:
Pachacuti (Inca Empire, Peru)
Nickname/Title: "Earth Shaker"
Founder of the Inca Empire, significantly expanding its reach and building Machu Picchu.
Moctezuma II (Aztec Empire, Mexico)
Nickname/Title: "The Emperor of Tenochtitlán"
Last fully independent ruler of the Aztec Empire before Spanish conquest.
Atahualpa (Inca Empire, Peru)
Nickname/Title: "The Last Inca Emperor"
Defeated his brother in a civil war, but was captured and executed by Spanish conquistadors.
Sitting Bull (Hunkpapa Lakota, USA)
Nickname/Title: "The Defiant Leader"
Led the resistance against the U.S. government during the Indian Wars.
Montezuma I (Aztec Empire, Mexico)
Nickname/Title: "The Father of the Empire"
Strengthened and expanded the Aztec Empire, transforming it into a powerful state.
Other Regions:
Kamehameha I (Hawaii)
Nickname/Title: "The Great King"
Unified the Hawaiian Islands under his rule.
King Abdulaziz (Saudi Arabia)
Nickname/Title: "Ibn Saud"
Founder of modern Saudi Arabia.
King Faisal I (Iraq and Syria)
Nickname/Title: "Founder of Modern Iraq"
Played a major role in establishing Iraq as an independent kingdom.
King Idris I (Libya)
Nickname/Title: "The Last King of Libya"
Ruled Libya before it became a republic under Gaddafi.
Polynesian Chiefs
Nicknames/Titles: "Ali'i" (Hawaii), "Ariki" (Maori)
Titles given to the ruling chiefs in different Polynesian societies.